iceland wedding photographer

Iceland Wedding Photographer | Mel + Bryan

Iceland Wedding Photographer | Mel + Bryan

I’m now an Iceland Wedding Photographer. Iceland is a super hot location right now for couples to have their wedding, elopement or even a pre-wedding shoot. Mel and Bryan contacted me last year asking if I could travel to Iceland to capture some pre-wedding photos to take back to Singapore where they live. I had never been to Iceland before but knew that this was going to be something special. I was not wrong.

We set off at 6:30 am and made our way to Seljalandsfoss waterfall. Whenever someone mentions Iceland, you tend to hear the word “epic” a lot. I’ve always hated that word, but it is true when it comes to this place. I could not get over how big the waterfalls and landscape are. The power you can feel from them is enormous even more so when we got to our next location, Skógafoss. We also spend some time at Reynisfjara Black Sand Beach. This was probably my favourite location on the island. The waves were so powerful; you could hear them well before you arrive on the beach. The last spot we took to was Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon, and on the way home, we had to pull over and take some photos on the Eldhraun Lava Fields. These were so green and beautiful; it just had to be done.

Mel and Bryan are indeed a fantastic couple, and I had so much fun exploring this wonderful country with them. If I could do it all again, I wouldn’t change a thing. They were both so wonderful to be around, and we honestly had the best day together. I love adventurous couples and can’t wait for the next adventure to come my way. If you’re currently looking for an Iceland Wedding Photographer, Elopement photographer or a planning a Pre Wedding shoot, Shoot me an email. I’d love to hear from you.

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MUA: Sandra María